Whats Up in the Nights Sky March 5th
Full Moon (exact at 1:05 p.m. Eastern Standard Time). This evening the Moon shines below the dim hind feet of Leo. And another! Io partially eclipses Ganymede with its shadow […]
Full Moon (exact at 1:05 p.m. Eastern Standard Time). This evening the Moon shines below the dim hind feet of Leo. And another! Io partially eclipses Ganymede with its shadow […]
A challenge for North Americans as twilight turns into night: Distant Uranus, magnitude +5.9, glimmers just below Venus, which is 8,000 times brighter at magnitude –3.9. Use good binoculars or […]
Bright Jupiter shines above the Moon this evening. Spot fainter Regulus closer to the Moon’s lower left (for North America).
Just at Sunset Venus is high in the evening sky in the west. The bright planet near the waxing gibbous Moon tonight is Jupiter. Jupiter is actually 40 times larger […]
The next astronomy event will be Friday March 6th at the Novi Christian Center where the Ford Amateur Astronomy (FAAC) will have a table setup to tell about the club […]