Whats Up

L-10:Honoured to be @UNICEF_franceambassador. Earth from space looks incredibly fragile, and children must be protected: they're the future pic.twitter.com/J0sFpX7WP3 — Thomas Pesquet (@Thom_astro) November 7, 2016

@mrtruo Here's the full article link for you to share https://t.co/92LTW7WnaM — ESA (@esa) November 7, 2016

ESA joins international partners at #COP22 to report on space-based climate research – follow @ESA_EO for updates https://t.co/BJcl9dDuyn pic.twitter.com/jcuha92z3q — ESA (@esa) November 7, 2016

@AbiO118 just our cup of tea — ESA (@esa) November 7, 2016

@ASAPThe we're not a member, but do take a tour of our out-of-this world accommodation ; ) https://t.co/NSlwNwkiCq — ESA (@esa) November 7, 2016

10 days to #Proxima launch. @Thom_astro, Oleg & @AstroPeggy will spend 2 days in the #Soyuz spacecraft – the size of a small car! pic.twitter.com/bmbWJCjbzN — Human Spaceflight (@esaspaceflight) November […]

@battledinosaur @CaptainAngelo we talk with philosphers, chefs, artists. Check out #space4inspiration https://t.co/35HPMXybCQ — ESA (@esa) November 7, 2016

#ESA selects Italian company @leonardo_live to build main instrument for FLEX satellite to study Earth’s vegetation https://t.co/NIMw4V9SFX pic.twitter.com/hRJNfio07K — ESA EarthObservation (@ESA_EO) November 7, 2016