What’s Up in the Nights Sky April 1st 2015
The coming of April always finds Orion in the southwest at dusk, leaning over with his three-star belt almost horizontal (depending on your time and latitude). The belt points left […]
The coming of April always finds Orion in the southwest at dusk, leaning over with his three-star belt almost horizontal (depending on your time and latitude). The belt points left […]
The waxing gibbous Moon shines beneath Regulus and the Sickle of Leo early this evening, as shown at right. Farther upper right of the Moon shines bright Jupiter. By late […]
Watch Jupiter’s satellite Europa emerge out of eclipse from Jupiter’s shadow around 11:01 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. With a telescope, watch for it to gradually glimmer into view a little […]
Tonight the Moon and Jupiter cross the sky together. Although they look fairly near each other, looks in astronomy are deceiving. Jupiter is almost 1,800 times farther away than the […]
Now the Moon has moved inside the triangle of Jupiter, Pollux, and Procyon.
This evening the Moon forms a big kite shape with bright Jupiter far to its left, Pollux to the Moon’s upper left, and Procyon to its lower left
The first-quarter Moon shines above Orion and below Gemini this evening. If you have a dark enough sky (or binoculars), you can see that the Moon is in or near […]
The first-quarter Moon shines above Orion and below Gemini this evening. If you have a dark enough sky (or binoculars), you can see that the Moon is in or near […]
Look well to the left of the Moon this evening for Betelgeuse in the top of declining Orion. Look lower right of the Moon for similarly-colored Aldebaran, not quite as […]
The Moon shines amid the big, loose Hyades cluster for the Americas. The Moon occults Aldebaran for Alaska and northwestern Canada; see map and timetables of Aldebaran’s disappearance and reappearance.